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Doctor of Pharmacy (PHARM. D)

Commencement of session : August / September

Duration : 6 Years (5 years study in the college and 1year internship in the hospital)

Eligibility : Pass in 12th standard / Pre-University Course /PDC /Higher Secondary Course / Intermediate with Physics and chemistry subjects.

Age : 17 years and above as on 31st December of the year of admission.

Attendance : A minimum of 80% attendance in both theory and practical classes is mandatory for getting eligibility for sessional and University examination

Internal Assessment marks : During each academic year three sessional examinations in both theory and practical papers will be conducted for a maximum of 30 marks and an average of the best two marks will be considered to qualify for the annual examination.

Minimum marks for passing Examination :  50% of marks in each subject is compulsory for pass in annual examination.

Practical Training

a) Clinical facility  Clinical facilities are provided at parent hospital i e., Mallige Medical Centre, ,Crescent road, Bengaluru 560 001.

b) Hospital posting :  Every student shall be posted in the hospital for a period of not less than 75 hours to be covered in not less than 200 working days in II, III and IV year. In the V year, every student shall spend half a day in the morning hours attending ward rounds on daily basis as a part of clerkship

c) Project work: A project work shall be carried out under the supervision of a teacher. To allow the student to develop data collection and reporting skills in the area of community, hospital and clinical pharmacy, The project topic must be approved by Head of the department or Head of the institution. Written report of the project work shall be presented as a seminar at the end of the academic year. External and internal examiners shall do the assessment of the project work.


In VI year, Every student must complete one year mandatory internship. Internship is a phase of training where a student is expected to conduct actual practice of pharmacy and health care under supervision through which the student acquires skill to function independently in various departments of the hospital. A student shall be permitted to the internship only after having passed in theory and practical of all subjects of all previous years.